
Mr カーク来校

    ヨットの友人カークさん弓削島滞在のおり,弓削商船高等専門学校に来校いただきました.学生の卒業研究を英語で,説明させ,鋭い質問に学生は・・・・・たじたじながらもなんとか全身を使って説明していました.  カークさんありがとう^¥^ 
      Yesterday in Yuge, I visited the Yuge National College of Maritime Technology, where my sailing friend, Takanori Kimura, teaches. He invited me to the college to hear his students give presentations on their graduation research projects, which covered a wide range of hands-on engineering topics — building a fast (30 km/hr!), efficient electric bicycle, studying the properties of various types of lubricants, developing a portable device for generating power by utilizing the strong tidal currents near Yuge and elsewhere in the Seto Inland Sea, doing computer simulations of wave patterns, and so on. Very interesting!
      Thanks, Kimura-san!!